5 goals for 2024 that aren’t all about losing weight

I’ve been really intentional about not stepping on the scale in 2023, and I plan to continue that in 2024. It’s been so good for my mental health to not be constantly worrying about a number that really doesn’t say anything about my health. I do, however, have some health goals for the near year, but they’re focused more on the long-term rather than just the here and now. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to drop some pounds if it you think it’ll improve your life, but if you’re looking for other non-aesthetic goals for 2024, consider these:

  1. Drink more water. I’m the worst at staying hydrated. (I’m always CARBOhydrated though.) When I think about it, I realize I drink a lot of things other than water — coffee, iced tea, wine, energy drinks — and those don’t really benefit me. So I’m going to work on replacing some of those with more water. If water just feels blah after a while, adding fruit and zero calorie flavor/sweeteners are a great way to keep your tastebuds entertained.

  2. Replace the scroll. Let’s be honest: I usually spend 1-2 hours in bed each night doom scrolling on social media. And while it would be best to just get extra sleep, sometimes I’m not wound down enough yet. So instead, I’m going to focus on my second-language skills with Duolingo. It’s something I started earlier this month so that I’d be already in the habit before the new year. I paid for Super Duolingo for the whole year, because money motivates me to follow though. And now instead of wasting time mindlessly scrolling, I’ll now be focused on something that will actually benefit my life.

  3. Try a new workout format. Are you in a fitness rut? That’s normal! You might be feeling bored (and therefore unmotivated) by doing the same thing every week. Remember: there’s no such thing as a “perfect workout routine,” so it’s ok to mix things up and find something else that will keep you consistent. A few months ago, I started mixing in more Pilates at home. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that my body needs more low-impact workouts and this offers a challenge, while still moving at a gentle pace. Try out a new class at your gym or find a class on YouTube. Who knows, you may find something that you never expected to enjoy!

  4. Add instead of remove. Instead of swearing off whole food groups like carbs or sugar, try adding in more nutrition. Maybe you need to eat more vegetables or fruit, or maybe you need to increase your protein intake. Something I added into my daily routine in 2023 is creatine. Creatine powder is one of the few science-backed fitness supplements, as creatine is already naturally produced in your body. It’s a great complement to strength training, helping with muscle building and recovery, injury prevention and even your brain health. A word of caution: Taking this regularly did make me gain weight, and that was something I had to accept if I wanted to reap the strength training benefits.

  5. Remove negative influences. Are you following any accounts on social media that make you feel bad about yourself? Any people you follow just to hate watch? Are there people in your life who put you down or make you feel less than? It’s time to release those influences. Surround yourself with content and people who uplift, encourage and inspire you. I promise it will do wonders for your mental health and confidence.


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I’m not anti-weight loss, but…