What is “cross training” and how it can improve your fitness performance

You’ve probably heard the term a bunch of times, or even seen shoes marketed as good for “cross training.” But what exactly is it, and should you be doing it? Cross training simply means doing different types of exercise vs. sticking to the same thing all the time. At the beginning of my fitness journey, I only did Zumba multiple times a week. And sure, it helped me lose some weight and get into a rhythm, but eventually I hit a plateau and I couldn’t figure out why.

It was because my body needed other things, outside of just cardio. And that’s when I started to branch out and explore other types of workout formats — both as a way to challenge my body and to find new things that I liked. If you’re a dancer/Zumba fanatic like me, it’s actually really beneficial to add some other forms of exercise to your weekly routine. In fact, I’d dare say it’ll make you a better dancer.

Here’s a few things that I do on a regular basis that you can try to add to the mix:

  1. Strength training - Y’all know this is my soap box. Lifting weights has changed my life. It has numerous benefits like improved heart health, strength, energy and reduced risk of injury. Doing combination moves while strength training uses multiple muscle groups at a time, which can help improve your coordination, something that you’ll need for dancing. Lifting can also help you perform normal everyday tasks like picking up your child or squatting down to do household chores.

  2. Yoga - Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility and balance, and it’s known to help your mind-to-muscle connection. Being aware of the way your body moves and flows is crucial to becoming a better dancer. It’ll also help to give you a deep stretch and work muscles that you may not normally use due to the unique poses.

  3. Running - Hear me out. I know not everyone is a fan of running, but there are ways to make it less miserable. Running is a great form of cardio that can help improve your stamina and endurance. Doing walk/run intervals is a great training method to benefit your heart health and improve your breath control.

There are so many other options for cross training. Check out your local gym or try out a new style of workout on YouTube. You never know what you may like and your body will enjoy and reap the benefits of the variety throughout the week.


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