My 5 home workout must-haves

You need a garage full of expensive gym equipment to do a successful home workout, right? WRONG. It’s actually pretty simple to create a home workout space that will meet your needs. Here are the basics that I use with links to the products on Amazon. You can also find many of these at other stores like Target, TJ Maxx or Marshalls.

  1. A yoga mat : This is the best place to start, so you always have cushion and stability.

  2. Booty bands : These fabric booty bands come in 3 levels of resistance and they don’t slip or roll. You can add them to lots of different leg and booty exercises to increase the burn. You might also want some elastic ones like these for upper body movements.

  3. Dumbbells : If you’re brand new to strength training, I’d recommend starting with 2, 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells. You can add to your collection as you get stronger. I prefer the neoprene coated ones as they’re softer on your hands and can prevent blisters or the need for gloves.

  4. Plyo box : Some assembly required on this one, but totally worth it when it’s done. This study box can be turned into 3 different heights (12, 14 or 16”). You can use it as a small bench to sit or lie on, or to prop yourself up for movements like pushups, tricep dips or step ups.

  5. Kettlebell : I’d recommend one 10-15 lb. kettlebell. The handle makes it easy to use for certain exercises.

That’s it! Of course, depending on your space, you can always add more to the mix. But these won’t take up too much and room and will provide all you need to get a total body workout.


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